Product Details
This collection of essays sets out to address a lack of critical theory in Austen studies by bringing together scholars who ask new and challenging questions about the efficacy of Austen's work. Taken as a whole, these essays encourage new ways to interact with Austen's importance for central concerns of the humanities, including the place of the individual within society, the potential for new identities and communities, the urgency to address racial and sexual oppression, and the need to imagine more just futures. Michael Kramp is Professor of English at Lehigh University. Includes essays by Megan A. Woodworth, Joanne Wilkes, Rebecca White, Isabelle Michalski and David Sigler, Daniela Garofalo, Enit Karafili Steiner, Natasha Duquette, Kate Singer, Chris Washington, Shawn Lisa Maurer, Christopher C. Nagle, Kit Kincade, Sarah Ailwood. Routledge. 2021. Paper. NEW. Paper. $42.00