How does Gamma Linolenic Acid Supplement Support Weight Loss?
Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) is often the most deficient essential fatty acid in our diets. Taking a gamma-linolenic acid supplement may help the body to stimulate metabolically active brown fat for optimum weight loss support.*
Research confirms deeper brown fat cells burn 3x more calories than surface white fat cells.
Brown fat has been hailed as the "new obesity treatment," by the New England Journal of Medicine (April 2009). Primarily activated by cold, brown fat triggers the body to burn more calories and generate body heat.
Overweight people have been found deficient in this fat, and by adulthood, brown fat may be metabolically inactive in many individuals.
These metabolic properties make supplementing with gamma linolenic acid like GLA-90 an invaluable component to the Fat Flush Kit designed for use with all of the Fat Flush diet programs.
Can Gamma Linolenic Acid Stimulate Metabolism and Suppress Appetite?*
As an essential fatty acid, gamma linolenic acid (GLA) triggers fat burning instead of fat storage.
It increases fat metabolism by stimulating brown fat activity through its prostaglandin pathways to burn calories for energy.
A gamma linolenic acid supplement may also help reduce appetite by helping to support the body's serotonin levels.
Serotonin is a brain chemical that contributes to the feeling of fullness, which means you'll feel full before you overindulge.*
Keep Skin Moist and Glowing with a Gamma Linolenic Acid Supplement
Not only does GLA promote fat and weight loss, but it also helps keep your skin moist and glowing while supporting the skin's balanced inflammatory response.