We Ate the Acid by Joe Roberts / ISBN 9781944860196 / 192-page hardcover, about 8 x 10.75 inches, published by Anthology Editions
Joe Roberts has worked as an artist in San Francisco for the last decade. His mixed media work has been released in various formats over the years and shown nationwide to great acclaim. Joe creates artwork which represents a variety of mixed media formats and is reminiscent of work from Jean-Michel Basquiat and Joseph Cornell. Collage, paintings, diorama and figurines all play a role in the world he has created and is constantly reinterpreting. This book represents the most recent body of his work.
Joe Roberts draws on pop-cultural imagery from the 1960s to the ’90s, filtering them through his own experiences, and re-presenting them in mixed-media works that recall Mike Kelley or Chris Johanson. Mickey Mouse, Casper, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles all make appearances, but here they’re dropping acid or eating pizza, fellow travelers in Roberts’s personal journey. -Hyperallergic